Rejoice in Christ...
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
主啊.... 我仍然爱你
时间飞逝,一晃就2021年了,人生也过了一大半了,说实在,前面的路虽不知如何,但还是依靠仰望主吧!感谢主的保守与眷顾,还有祂的怜悯,今年一月底搬到古晋会所居住,至今算是安稳下来了。目前因疫情关系,孩子们都在家上网课,还要陪伴小女儿一起上课,在旁辅导她(因为她紧张 哈哈...)但求主给孩子们有聪明智慧,读书有悟性,能开窍,把课业搞好,因为没老师监督,自己就要努力了哦。真希望他们可以建立起好好读书的习惯。
Monday, August 23, 2010
Israel, Palestinians agree to resume Mideast talks
Israel, Palestinians agree to resume Mideast talks
Washington (CNN) -- Israel and the Palestinian Authority have agreed to hold direct peace talks beginning September 2 in Washington -- the first such talks since 2008.
The talks, also involving other regional and international players, are intended to resolve all "final status" issues for a Middle East peace agreement, "which we believe can be done in one year," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.
"These negotiations should take place without preconditions, and be characterized by good faith and a commitment to their success, which will bring a better future to all of the people of the region," Clinton said.
Shortly after the announcement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he welcomed the invitation for direct talks without preconditions.
The executive committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organization said it, too, would participate, though chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat told CNN that Israel must extend its moratorium on settlements that is due to expire September 26.
"The nonextension of this moratorium in settlements will mean we will not have negotiations. It's as simple as this," he said.
About the goal of resolving long-standing issues, he said, "I think it's doable."
Hamas, the anti-Israel group that runs Gaza, rejected the talks, though the group had not been invited to join them. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zohri said that negotiations until now "did not achieve anything," and that "these negotiations will not be accepted by the Palestinian people because it is a new trap for the Palestinians."
Former Sen. George Mitchell said the invitation had been made to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who is considered the leader of the Palestinians, and not to Hamas.
Both Netanyahu and Abbas are fully committed to direct negotiations for the benefit of their people, said President Barack Obama's special envoy to the talks.
"I believe the two leaders ... are sincere and serious and believe it can be done and will do everything possible to see that it is done," Mitchell said. He said the goal of the negotiations was to end the Middle East conflict "for all time," with establishment of a "viable, independent" Palestinian state next to Israel.
The announcement prompted skepticism about whether yet another attempt at peace talks can resolve the decades-long conflict that has shaped regional and international politics and security.
Both Clinton and Mitchell warned that obstacles abound to a final agreement. Clinton predicted that "enemies of peace" would try to derail the talks, while Mitchell acknowledged that "there remains a mistrust between the parties" based on "a residue of hostility developed over many decades of conflict."
"We don't expect all those differences to disappear when talks begin," Mitchell said, adding: "Past efforts at peace that did not succeed cannot deter us from trying again, because the cause is noble and just and right for all concerned."
A veteran of peace talks in Northern Ireland, Mitchell said the Middle East talks will require "patience, persistence, a willingness to go back again and again, to not take the first 'no' as a final 'no,' to not take the 50th 'no' as the final 'no' or the 100th 'no.' "
The talks would be the first direct negotiations between the parties since December 2008, when the process broke down over Israel's three-week offensive in Gaza. Mitchell has been engaged in "proximity" talks with the two sides in recent months to lead up to the possibility of resuming direct talks.
Obama has also invited Jordan, Egypt and members of the Middle East Quartet -- the United States, Russia, the United Nations and the European Union -- to the table, Clinton and Mitchell said.
In a statement Friday, the quartet underscored its full commitment to the talks, calling on "both sides to observe calm and restraint, and to refrain from provocative actions and inflammatory rhetoric."
Quartet representative Tony Blair, who also plans to attend, welcomed the announcement.
"I and my team will also continue to work with both the Israelis and Palestinians to develop the bottom-up process in order to build up the institutions and economy of the West Bank and Gaza and improve the daily lives of Palestinians, in support of the political negotiations," the former British prime minister said in a statement. "With the resumption of talks, I hope that more can now be done to accelerate the process of change on the ground."
A senior diplomatic official told CNN that U.S. engagement in the effort had led to traction in the last few months and that the talks were urged to begin before a moratorium on Jewish settlements ends and the U.N. General Assembly adjourns.
Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, U.N. assistant secretary-general for political affairs, called on Israel this week to continue the moratorium on all settlement activity -- including in East Jerusalem -- beyond September 26.
"We are nearing a turning point in the efforts to promote direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians," Fernandez-Taranco told the Security Council.
Clinton and Mitchell urged Israelis and Palestinians to avoid taking any action or making any comments that would harm the atmosphere for launching peace talks.
"We think that these talks should be conducted in a positive atmosphere in which the parties refrain from taking any steps that are not conducive to making progress in the discussions," Mitchell said.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
那一位基督教的牧师在他所在的教会中,有二千位 青少年在他的服事底下。在他看见职事的丰富之后,他决定从此只说职事的话;在他和这些青少年讲信息前,他会把他的摘要寄给我们的弟兄们,请他们看看有那一 处和职事的话是不符合的,他会再作修改,以求能忠信的把职事的负担传输出去。
从去年底,基督教研究院发表【我们错了】期刊之 后,主的恢复可说是进入一个新的转捩点。前面几十年我们遭受了许多攻击和毁谤,我们是什么是由别人去定义。但从今年开始,我们可以很大胆的站出来,跟别人 大方的说明我们是什么,我们可以明确的定义什么是主的恢复,什么是神今日在地上所要完成的。
真金不怕火炼,我们需要承担托付,将这些丰富传 扬出去,主正在加速祂的行动,全地的门都是打开的。今年南美发圣经的行动,敞开的人光名单就有廿万。一面说出人心的渴慕,一面也说出有极大的需要。愿我们 都能装备这些丰富,并对其有正确的认识,使我们能放胆的和我们的亲友说明我们是什么。我们不是异端、不是宗教团体、更不是灵恩运动,我们是主的恢复。
Thursday, June 24, 2010
民 數記十九章1-6節記載:「耶和華曉諭摩西、亞倫說:『耶和華命定律法中的一條律例乃是這樣說:你要吩咐以色列人,把一隻沒有殘疾、未曾負軛、純紅的母牛 牽到你這裡來,交給祭司以利亞撒……。』」純紅母牛被交給祭司以利亞撒後,會被牽到營外,被獻為祭,被燒成灰,調作除污穢的水,用以潔淨以色列人。換句話 說,沒有紅母牛灰,就無法潔淨祭司,也即是說無法恢復聖殿的事奉。
但是,早在1990年,美國一位牧戶洛佳德(Clyde Lott)已開始與聖殿研究所取得聯絡,嘗試為他們培殖紅母牛。到了1994年,洛佳德成功培殖了一頭紅母牛。
雖然紅母牛已經培殖成功,但問題還沒有解決。為甚麼呢?猶太史學家認為在歷史中,曾有七次收在瓶裡的紅母牛灰快要用盡。那時,以色列人就將另一隻紅母牛獻 上,然後將牠連同快要用盡的紅母牛灰一同燒了。這樣,以色列人所用的紅母牛灰,理論上一直都含有摩西時代祭司以利亞撒所獻第一隻紅母牛的灰。所以,以色列 人雖然成功培殖紅母牛,但他們還要尋找當年剩下的紅母牛灰。可是誰知當年的紅母牛灰在哪裡呢?
死海以西的昆蘭古洞,由於一個牧羊童於1947年意外地在那裡發現了死海古卷而聞名於世。5年後,即1952年3月,考古學家又在那裡的另一洞穴發現了神秘的銅卷(copper scroll)。
資料來源:Charles F. Pfeiffer (1969) The Dead Sea Scroll and the Bible, USA: Baker Book House
銅卷藏在一洞穴裡的巨石下,被發現時已經一分為二。經過近2000年的風化和氧化,銅卷變得非常易碎,致令考古學家花了3年時間才達成共識,於1955年9月將銅卷送往英國曼徹斯特的「科技學院」(The College of Technology),在那裡小心地將它切割成23份,再將其中的內容翻譯出來。結果發現銅卷可以說是一張「藏寶圖」,指出60至64個收藏聖殿寶物的地點,包括收藏當年紅母牛灰的瓶子。
1988年4月,美國德州考古學家鍾雲渡(Vendyl Jones)率領的考古團,根據銅卷的記載,用了超過20年的時間,終於在昆蘭地區發現盛載聖膏油的小瓶。經希伯來大學的藥劑系分析,證實那小瓶所盛載的 膏油是古代以色列人用來抹會幕和一切聖具,以及膏祭司、先知和君王的聖膏油。「耶和華曉諭摩西說:『你要取上品的香料,……按作香之法調和作成聖膏油。要 用這膏油抹會幕和法櫃,桌子與桌子的一切器具,燈臺和燈臺的器具,並香壇、燔祭壇,和壇的一切器具,洗濯盆和盆座。……要膏亞倫和他的兒子,使他們成為 聖,可以給我供祭司的職分。你要對以色列人說:「這油,我要世世代代以為聖膏油。不可倒在別人的身上,也不可按這調和之法作與此相似的。這膏油是聖的,你 們也要以為聖。」』」(出三十22-32)
4年後,即1992年的春天,鍾雲渡率領的考古團再按銅卷的記載,發現了大約600磅有肉桂氣味的「紅土」(reddish earth)。魏茨曼科學院(The Weizman Institute)、以色列地質研究所(The Israel Institute of Geology)和巴爾伊蘭大學(Bar-Ilan University)都鑒定出這些「紅土」含有用來製造在聖殿所燒的香之11種香料的其中8種,600磅的香就足夠一年在聖殿早、晚燒香之用。
「耶 和華吩咐摩西說:『你要取馨香的香料,就是拿他弗、施喜列、喜利比拿;這馨香的香料和淨乳香各樣要一般大的分量。你要用這些加上鹽,按作香之法作成清淨聖 潔的香。這香要取點,搗得極細,放在會幕內、法櫃前,我要在那裡與你相會。你們要以這香為至聖。你們不可按這調和之法為自己作香;要以這香為聖,歸耶和 華。』」(出 三十34-37)
當第一所聖殿被擄掠,被帶到巴比倫的大小器皿中,並沒有包括約櫃(參王下廿五13-18,耶五十二17-23)。波斯王古列將尼布甲尼撒從 聖殿掠來的器皿按數交還猶太人,好帶回耶路撒冷建造第二所聖殿,約櫃也沒有在其中(參拉一7-11)。換言之,以色列人所建的第二所聖殿,裡面並沒有約 櫃。
關於約櫃在埃塞俄比亞的說法,則要追索至當年埃塞俄比亞的示巴女王慕所羅門之名來到耶路撒冷的時間,她用難解的話試問所羅門,所羅門將她所問的都答上。 「示巴女王見所羅門大有智慧,和他所建造的宮室,席上的珍饈美味,群臣分列而坐,僕人兩旁侍立,以及他們的衣服裝飾和酒政的衣服裝飾,又見他上耶和華殿的 臺階,就詫異得神不守舍。」(王上十4-5)之後,傳說示巴女王為所羅門生了一個兒子,跟著示巴女王就帶著兒子和約櫃回埃塞俄比亞去,而留在聖殿的只是約 櫃的複製品。
這 個說法的可信性極低。首先,根據舊約的律法,只有大祭司才能每年一次,在贖罪日進入安放約櫃的至聖所。第二,只有祭司才能接觸和扛抬約櫃。當年本身不是祭 司的烏撒,就是由於伸手扶約櫃,被神擊殺,死在約櫃旁(撒下六3-7)。這樣,示巴女王和她的兒子又怎能將約櫃帶到埃塞俄比亞呢?第三,相信所羅門無論怎 樣大逆不道,也不至於將神聖的約櫃送到外邦去。
傳統虔誠的猶太人認為,約櫃一直都藏在聖殿山的一個地下密室裡。他們相信在猶大國亡於巴比倫之前,約西亞王已吩咐祭司將約櫃安放在所羅門建造的地下密室:「你們將聖約櫃安放在以色列王大衛兒子所羅門建造的殿裡(Put the holy ark in the house which Solomon the son of David king of Israel did build),不必再用肩扛抬。」(代下三十五3)由於約櫃一直都在聖殿中,所以虔誠的猶太人認為這裡所說的殿(house)不是指聖殿,而是指所羅門為保存約櫃而建造的地下密室。從此,約櫃就一直安放在那裡。
最後,聖經考古學家韋羅恩(Ron Wyatt)在1988年,聲稱自己在1982年發掘各各他山時,在耶路撒冷古城外,主耶穌釘十架的地點下,20英呎深的一個地下密室發現了聖殿的約櫃。 他認為約櫃是在第一所聖殿被毀前,神吩咐先知耶利米藏在那裡的。然而,韋羅恩至今還未提供清楚、有力的證據來支持他的發現。